‘দরিদ্র মানুষের খাদ্য ও পুষ্টির উপর কোভিড ১৯- এর প্রভাব’ শীর্ষক জরীপ- এর ফলাফল নিয়ে মতবিনিময় সভা
Zoom Online 22/13 B, Block-B, Khilji Road, Mohammadpur, DhakaRtF BD has conducted a survey on Food & Nutrition status during COVID-19 Lockdown by collecting data from 37 districts across the country. To share the key findings & recommendations of the survey Report, Network is going to organize a Sharing Meeting on July 16, 2020, Thursday, 11:00 AM through Online Platform. Dr. Nazneen Ahmed, Senior Research Fellow,...