Strategic Issues

RtF BD is raising voice on the following strategic issues:

  • Commitment to End Hunger in Bangladesh by 2030.
  • Support to GoB in achieving the goals of eradicating hunger and poverty by 2030.
  • Commitment to ensure food and nutritional security, food sovereignty of all the people across the country.
  • Establishing and implementing a legal framework regarding the issue of food and nutritional security in ensuring sufficient food for all.
  • Establishing sustainable food production procedure through ensuring the development of agriculture sector and prioritizing small holder.
  • Facilitating and act together with all social movements and learn from existing experience to ensure provisioning of legal framework and proper implementation of right to adequate food and nutritional security.
  • Ensuring elimination of all sorts of violation, discrimination and oppression against smallholder farmers and producers of this country based on their gender, class, caste, ethnicity and religion and other grounds.
  • Pressurize relevant national government institutions, policy makers, political societies and pertinent stakeholders accountable to adapt appropriate measures for right to food, potable water rights, agriculture and food systems which must respond to the crises and nutritional security issue and relevant policy reforms at national level.
  • Promoting social protection systems considering rights of urban and rural poor, subnational special poverty zones, indigenous people, and people with disabilities, elderly, women and children.
  • Supporting and facilitating the farmers led participatory process to establish seed banks for preserving agrological bio-diversity, and support farmers with free flow of seeds across the country in farmers’ necessity.
  • Ensuring unadulterated and organic food.
  • Ensuring education, health and employment for all people in order to ensure food and nutritional security.
  • Enliven South Asian Food Bank and South Asian Seed Bank.
  • Formulating and implementing agrarian reform in a participatory and transparent manner for smallholder producer considering the national food security realities.
  • Adapting to climate change in small scale farming and small-scale production systems to take practicable pathways for farm households and others dependent on such systems to build greater resilience through adaptation and diversification strategies that also improve their livelihoods and, therefore, contribute to ending hunger and poverty.