Expected Results
- Right to Food Bangladesh is established as an umbrella Network with the participation of civil society organizations & networks, farmers’ organizations, Trade Unions, Consumer rights associations, CBOs, academia, researchers, individuals and relevant stakeholders.
- Improved implementation of Social Safety Net Program in compliance with NSSS
- Gaps relating to food and relevant policies identified and shared
- Implementation status and progress of NSSS, 7th Five Year Plan and SDG shared and recommendations provided
- Social protection measures are significantly helping poor women and girls to be food secure
- Countrywide voice raised in favor of Right to Food and Nutrition Security Act
- Consensus among the stakeholders, GoB officials and Policy makers built regarding Right to Food Act
- Draft Right to Food Act developed that addresses fundamental causes of hunger and food insecurity of poor and marginalized people and submitted to relevant ministries
- Initiatives undertaken by the concerned ministry for enactment of Right to Food Act.
- Larger proportion of women, especially from marginalized communities, has greater access to institutional financing and other productive resources and
- South Asian civil society network on right to food established
- Views of small holding producers, especially from marginalized communities, are influencing national and international Right to Food policy discussions
- Various joint actions by the South Asian civil society initiated and status of SAARC Food Bank and Seed Bank promoted
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